Hermannsburg School
Germany is the country where the very first hand-made Advent Calendar was made in the late 19th century. According to the story handed down to us, Gerhard Lang’s mother put 24 sweets on a cardboard sheet to make the time to Christmas sweeter for her son. And that is what some teachers did for the entire staff and all the scholars in Hermannsburg. Because our school is closing at the beginning of December, long before Christmas, they came up with the idea to make a Christmas calendar that marks the last 24 school days. Every school day, the names of one staff member and one scholar are being drawn, allowing them to open a package on the Advent calendar. Thank you to our teachers for thinking of such a joyful way to end the school year.

Hermannsburg’s first scholar to be drawn and open his Advent Calendar gift was ‘Little Oak’ Cebo Gasa from Grade RRR.