Hermannsburg School

It is that time of year where our Grade 12s are on the brink of writing their IEB NSC examinations, and we look back over their achievements during the past year and reflect on the 12 years of formal schooling that have led them to this point.  We were very pleased to be able to invite their parents to the awards ceremony, held last Friday, as we recognised specific achievements.

Our congratulations go to all who received certificates and colour awards, and especially to Siphumelele Mathenjwa (Sthe Sibisi Trophy for iSiZulu First Additional Language, The Harbottle Family Business Studies Award, and the Byron Bure Top Achiever in Speech & Drama Trophy), Nina Schmidt (Landmann Family Trophy for Mathematical Literacy), Kei Blackburn (Morgentau Trophy for Visual Arts), Jonathan Königkrämer (A.R.T. Maharaj Memorial Geography Trophy, Ernst Schütze Trophy for service above self), and Luka Poser (Ulrich Prigge German Trophy, German Cultural Council award, Edith Clark Memorial Trophy for English, W & K Schroeder Language Proficiency Trophy, Alexandra Miruna Ignat Memorial Trophy for Mathematics, Ultimate Creatures CC Trophy for Life Sciences, Lombardozzi Trophy for Life Orientation, Du Preez AP English Book Prize, and Dux of our school for 2021).

Hermannsburg congratulates Luka Poser, Dux of the School for 2021, on his excellent academic achievements, and wishes him and all our Grade 12s clear thinking and perfect recall for the final IEB examinations.

Hermannsburg congratulates the certificate and colour award recipients in Grade 12: Nina Schmidt, Sphosethu Mabaso, Ayabonga Dlamini, Kei Blackburn, Lara Knoetze, Nkosinathi Chonco, Michael Nell, Jonathan Königkrämer, Luka Poser, Siphumelele Mathenjwa and Neo Madikgetla.