When our ‘Little Oaks’ see a little kitten or a little puppy they want to have it immediately, but they also need to understand that these pets come with responsibilities. So, during the past term, two weeks were spent at the Little Oaks Kindergarten in Hermannsburg to learn all about pets – that pets are living and feeling beings and that they need and want many of the basic things that humans need and want. There are many different pets and we have to choose wisely which one will be best for our home. A highlight during that time was the visit by our local veterinarian, Doctor Jane Wessels. She brought her dog to school and taught us many interesting facts and important information about pets. Thank you, Dr Wessels!
Hermannsburg’s Little Oaks Iminathi Zondo, Zoe Ndlovu, Bongisipho Ngubane and Josiah Harbottle learned about pets with Dr Jane Wessels, Rolo the dog, and Francois Küsel.